TÉLÉSIA Publication

Quality and Usage enhancement in TÉLÉSIA

Rapport de recherche

Contact the TÉLÉSIA project here email : telesia@magoo.inria.fr

	Alain Caristan *
	Responsible of the TÉLÉSIA project
	Phone: +33 1 39 63 56 22	 email : Alain.Caristan@inria.fr

	Pierre Léonard *
	Phone: +33 6 62 83 47 44	 email : Pierre@Leonard.nom.fr

	Pierre De La Motte *
	Phone: +33 1 39 63 55 95	 email : delamot@inria.fr

	Andrzej Wozniak *
	Phone: +33 1 39 63 57 91	 email : Andrzej.Wozniak@inria.fr
(*) INRIA Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique
Domaine de Voluceau Rocquencourt
BP 105
78153 Le Chesnay Cedex


During the last years, the TELESIA application, remote-seminar / remote-meeting, was the base of a large number of experimentations. These experimentations, in France and over the world, was the field tests for advanced multimedia services and evaluation and technologies research and developments. The usages are rather different due to the user's needs for a remote-seminar or a remote-meeting. Know-how, expertise exchange is enriched with the telepresence of the speaker: the listeners are free from the information decoding. The technology is crucial for the telepresence, which is the main principle of the teleseminars. Therefore, the audio and the video processing and networking needs to prevent the weakness of the low quality networks: off sequence packets, lost packets, variable transit delays.

This report presents the analysis of the major defects encountered during the experiments, the solutions designed and realized, to embrace the objective and subjective quality of audio and video processing. Finally we present the analyze of the results trough "in-the-field tests" and campaigns of measures done during December 1994 and May 1995.

The full paper is now available here in pdf.
The Annexe containing the sources of the H261 video packetization and audio TEAP packetization follow:

Copyright (C) 1995, TÉLÉSIA, Pierre Léonard, INRIA Rocquencourt